Saturday, November 2, 2019

My Finds at Goodwill

Today I got off work and was able to go to the Goodwill auction. I wanted the lot of yarn that they had, but when it got to 100 dollars I stopped bidding. Imagine trying to justify spending 100 dollars on used yarn to the guardian of the piggy bank. All in all though it was nice that I was able to get out and do something like this for a change.

 The next lot I was interested in was a lot of album cover negatives. I am not quite sure what I am going to do with them. You can bet it will be interesting though.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Start of an Addiction

These shoes came in at work one day. I thought to myself that these would be really cool to use ain altering. I had been Pinterest surfing and saw some inspiration but didn’t have shoes. So when these came in one thought led to another and bam! A whole new world opened up.

As you can see I am really enjoying this. No detail spared! 

Now I just need to open an Etsy shop.

The Lion